Yo Soy Indigo
Yo Soy Indigo (freak-folk-jazz) is an international supergroup born fromthelove and camaraderie of six Prague-based musicians. Vibrant and personal writing, blazing solos, deep lyrical expression, and a good serving of humour inthe songs intertwine and unite the distinctive musicianship of all the individual members. “Freak-folk-jazz” is an apt starting place, but it only scratchesthesurface of the free-flowing genres Yo Soy Indigo moves through on their mission to decrease world suck through amazing music.
The head of Yo Soy Indigo is Emily Thiel: an American vocalist, guitarist, andsongwriter who delivers a uniquely powerful vocal performance throughhumblehonesty, and a versatile range of vocal colours and characters. Fredrik Janáček, Swedish bass player of the legendary band -123minut, masterfully weavestheinspired thread which holds the group in groove. He plays side by side withrenowned versatile drummer Dušan Černák, whose bold, virtuosic playingbreathes life into each of the songs. Mark Newson brings an unmistakably colourful, palpable love and warmth with his keys. On melodyinstruments there are two gems: first is the wildly expressive Czech actor andmusician William Valerián on saxophones, whose musical bravery and intuitioninspires everyone to play at the next level. And last, but certainly not least, thegolden-hearted Adam Pospíšil completes the band with his extraordinary abilityto delicately express the nuances of the soul on the violin in one moment, andabsolutely shred in the next.
Indeed, the individual players are special, but the crystallisation of thesebrilliantmusicians within the common space of Emily Thiel’s music has the distinct power to energise and connect audiences. It is the collective heartfelt magicthat creates the honest, exciting, and powerful experience of Yo Soy Indigo.