PĚTŽEN: Together

site specific
Theatre / Muzeum regionu Boskovicka / 6.7. /
Divadlo / Muzeum regionu Boskovicka / 6.7. /

We would like to warmly invite you to a gathering where we will come together to engage with various topics and share our ideas collectively. We will not only introduce the agenda but also familiarize you with our ideas regarding its functioning, which we will integrate with your own ideas about any agenda, in particular our common agenda. The schedule for our gathering is packed, prommising a socially enriching communal time.

This is a concept that originated within the framework of a semestral assignment by second-year students of Alternative and Puppet Theatre and of Theory and Criticism at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. The project has been developed at the Kafkárna, the sculpture studio of UMPRUM. Currently, the project holds potential for us in terms of its transferability, hence its further development. Since the performance was created for an outdoor space (the Kafkárna garden) with which it interacts, the location is crucial. However, its form allows for adaptation to any space. The performance takes the formal shape of a presentation, liberated from content in favor of representing key themes through theatrical means. The main themes include manipulation and its principles, community, and mystification.