Pavlína Šváchová

free work
Exhibition / Muzeum regionu Boskovicka

In 2023, an art competition was announced in Boskovice for selected students of the Academy of Fine Arts. The impetus for this competition was to create a memorial place for prematurely deceased and unborn children at the Boskovice cemetery, which would create a peaceful space for their immediate families. The expert jury chose Pavlína Šváchová's design Vanitas, combining stone boulders and glass bubbles, as a metaphor for human life.
Pavlína Šváchová (1997, Benátky nad Jizerou, lives in Prague, currently in a doctoral program at the VŠVU in Bratislava) moves between free and applied art, uses a variety of visual media, including performances. She co-founded the artistic group Dveperly, focusing on social issues. She is a finalist in several international competitions and a recipient of the Czech Design Award 2022 and 2023.
In his free work - which also includes Vanitas - he touches the innermost human feelings, fear, desire, the need to share, security...
The exhibition in the Museum of the Boskovicka region will present both the winning design with the author's explanation and a selection of the author's free and used work. At the same time, the projects of other invited artists will be presented.
Visitors will also be able to find one work in the area of ​​the Jewish City.

Curator Helena Musilová

The exhibition is held with the kind support of The Town of Boskovice.