Ondřej Galuška & The Odd Gifts

indie rock
Music / UNI scéna, Panský dvůr

Ondřej Galuška is a musician and philosopher, a founding member of the legendary multi-genre band eggnoise and the frontman of the project The Odd Gifts. His solo album Stručný úvod do filosofie marnosti (A Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Vanity) was nominated for the 2022 Apollo Awards. He is accompanied live by Michael Nosek, Jaroslav Noga, Jan Mizler, Filip Jiskra and Ondřej Vychodil.

As a musician, Galuška has participated in recordings by the 29/2 project, the band Longital, Bára Zmeková, Oldřich Janota and many others, and has accompanied live by Jana Kozubková, Bára Zmeková, Lenka Dusilová and Martin Kyšperský. He is the author of two albums for children: Žirafy netančí (2024) and Krev není voda  (2019), on which he collaborated with Milan Cais, and co-author of the soundtrack to Jan Hřebejk's film Svatá Čtveřice.