Matěj Frank

site specific instalation
Exhibition / Židovská čtvrť

Matěj Frank (1989) studied sculpture in Ostrava and Wroclaw. He is interested in slow changes and transience. He explores space through sculptures and sound installations and captures time through processual drawings and long performances. Frank's measure of time and space is often the human body, both his own, living and depicted. Chance plays an important role for him, he often works on the basis of a free scenario with a more or less predictable result. He looks for relationships between fullness and emptiness, transience and permanence.

At the center of interest of the visual artist Matěj Frank is the relationship between the human body, time and space. Rather than a laboratory analysis of these phenomena, she is interested in their bodily, sensory, or conscious testing; rather than symbols and stories, he works with situations and places. At selected locations in the Jewish quarter, Frank will place his installations that hint at the connection between the dark past and the dark present. It thus encourages us to think about where the limits of humanity are and whether there is only silence beyond them.