Karine Sarkisjan Trio
Karine Sarkisjan, a native of Yerevan, Armenia, is unique on the Slovak music scene with her brilliant combination of piano playing and unique vocal expression. In addition, Karine enjoys arranging folk songs for various instrumental ensembles, as well as choral compositions (including Ave Maria, which was premiered by the Slovak Philharmonic Choir). Karine is a sought-after artist for other musical groups and thus guest-performs at concerts of the Balkanansambel, Bashavel, Preßburger Klezmer Band (on whose CD Tsvantsik Yorn appeared), Shum Davar, Pacora trio and Kaschauer klezmer Band. She is also involved in scenic music (collaboration with the Slovak National Theatre, the Martin Chamber Theatre and others). Karine has appeared as one of the stars of major klezmer festivals in Lviv and St. Petersburg, where her interpretation of Yiddish songs was highly appreciated by legends such as Lorin Sklamberg and Michael Alpert. Karine rightfully deserves a place among the top performers of Slovak world music.
Juraj Stieranka has been very close to folklore since childhood, in which he excelled mainly in playing the violin. While studying at the conservatory, he continued to devote himself to folklore in addition to classical music, later also on a professional level. Currently, he is engaged in various musical genres such as Worldmusic, Jazz and others. In Prague, he worked in the ensembles Shum Davar, Circus Problem, in Brno in the Martin Krajíček trio. Recently, he has collaborated in projects of the famous Slovak musician Ľubomír Gašpar ( Ľubozvuk ) and the Ľubomír Gašpar Quartet, where the world-famous violin virtuoso Roby Lakatos also performed as a guest. For the last two years, he has also been collaborating with the Czech National Theater drama.
Matěj Heinzl is a clarinetist and saxophonist from Prague. With the bands Der Šenster Gob, Holinky, Yamaha Oriental and others as a guest, he plays music drawing mainly from Romani and Jewish folk music. Together with the band Tygroo, they focus on the fusion of the aforementioned styles with rap and electronic dance music. With the band Les gar d'en bas, they play original chanson and gipsy swing. He studied jazz music at Prague's HAMU.