"It's going to be literary punk. I'll read, Petr will play and there will be a few of our songs," says writer Jaroslav Rudiš, who together with Kružík performed as U-Bahn after the book's first publication in 2002. Rudiš won the Orten Prize for the book and, as he says, the book changed his life.
With U-Bahn, often as the opening act for Priessnitz, they toured the whole country and also performed in Germany.
"Heaven Under Berlin changed my life. The book made me want to keep writing and wander through history and the present. I never imagined that readers would take it on a trip to the German capital, or that the real-life band U-Bahn, which is mentioned in the book, would also come into being. I wrote Heaven Under Berlin dazzled by the Berlin underground and its stories. Nowhere else is this changeable and elusive city as interesting as here. At the same time, there is something constant in the noise and movement of trains and people. Only here in the underground is it possible to try to grasp and understand Berlin. At least that's how it seemed to me at the time," says Jaroslav Rudiš about the new edition of his novel Heaven Under Berlin: "Years later, I reread the book and slightly edited and tweaked it. Now and then I threw something out, now and then I added something. I feel that there is a certain timelessness in this Heaven Under Berlin, where one does not grow old."
Rudiš won the Jiří Orten Literary Award in 2002 for his novel Heaven Under Berlin, the Magnesia Litera 2003 nomination for discovery and prose of the year, and the title of the Most Beautiful Book of the Czech Republic for its graphic design (by Juraj Horvath). The book has been published in many translations and